Sunday, October 23, 2005

We are meant to laze on a Sunday.

Things to do on a Sunday:
1) Play games.
2) Talk to your cat.
3) Spend a whole 10 mins just twirling your phone on the table and doing nothing else.
4) Read manga.
5) Attempt to disturb your siblings by climbing into their room via the 2nd storey ledge, and trying not to fall off.
6) Lie beside the pond and look at fish.
7) Just listening to House/Trance and observing synth/bassline patterns.
8) Trying not to sleep in the day.
9) Laughing at people on Friendster.
10) Reflecting on human behaviour.

Yeah I found the RP students' database with EVERYONE's photos.
Even more fun than Friendster.

Varying commitments = lack of updates.
No. 1 priority is music production now, so I won't be updating that much =)


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