Sunday, February 05, 2006

Born a loser, always a loser.

Was just flipping through my old pics in teh photo album.
Y'know when you're young, you can't seem to remember anything, UNLESS it's bad. Thankfully had some photos to refresh my memory.

1) I was (am) ugly.
LOL I was super emo as a child, cuz I was tanned and fugly and didn't get the attention I deserved. Other kids' parent's friends would go like "Your daughter so preeetty ahh" and I never got that when I was young. I was a unfortunately, a "black piece of crap", something my ex called me a few months back.

2) I had loser friends.
I was friends with the class weirdo (the one who threw lego at people and ate her own boogers), and my best friend was really fat. I was friends with the otherwise friendless.

3) The guy I liked was a geek.
He was really smart, not say very cute, but charming, but no one liked him, including the teachers. Because he was a show-off. But I liked him even though his glasses was really... old. (the girl beside him is very pretty but I never talked to her :( )

4) I was the underdog
There was this game where the teacher would write occupations on the board. Naturally, everyone snapped up the glam jobs, like policeman, model, actress etc. Apparently no one saw me or heard me. So the last job, I ended up as a chef and ppl started laughing at me. Guess it was seen as a dirty job that time? We were only 5.

Now? It's all similar.
I never had thin, glamorous, "girlfriends" to hang out with to go shopping and partying and share makeup tips.
Instead, my most trusted friend in school now is not gorgeous at all and is really weird, cracks the lamest jokes. BUT he's a good friend to rely on, who accepts you for who you are, who doesn't treat anyone else different.

And then I think back.
My bestie in Kinderland was fat but she protected me from the taunting boys. I pitied the really weird girl so I was friends with her. I protected her from whatever insults that were said by the many little ones.

Friendship, it's all about trust and acceptance.
I'm too used to getting what I want. And that has to change.


ANYWAY, "I not stupid too" IS AN AWESOME SHOW !!!

Jerry is my favourite character cuz his face is fucking "stone" heheh...

The 2 boys, now grown up, are really cute !!!

Worth a watch nevertheless.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey do u still have pearlyn's contact? Been trying to contact her for months now. Anyway keep up the good blogging :)

12:09 AM  

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