Monday, June 12, 2006

Teenage Romance.

For Flor and anyone else interested:

Enter relationships, it's like a gamble. You either risk a breakup or marry. Even maintaining marriage is a challenge.

There's more to marriage than the usual "LOVE" we all seek (happy dancing flowers and pink fluffy marshmallow love aka plenty-o-hugs-n-kisses love aka fatuous love which never last anyway). At this age, how many of us see paying household taxes or taking out the laundry an act of love?

How many of us even want to think about all this now?

BOLLOCKS to those who declare themselves "la0g0ngX" and "lAoPo" when they don't even have stable income or career.

On breakups, it depends on whether you see the glass as half-full or half-empty. I usually come out with a sudden feeling of loss, but I get over it quickly, because I believe that every relationship ends with a valuable lesson.

You could see it that way, OR choose to mourn over the past, being angry with the person for hurting you, continue getting into numerous failed relationships and you wonder why.

At this age, now's the time to test waters and seek what true love is before committing yourself to the special someone.


Thank you, Sternberg.

To say "I love you" and mean it is pretty tricky business, because not many people can tell infatuation and Love apart. In the first place, infatuation (closeness physically) rarely evolves to Love, which means beware of relationships based on "Love At First Sight" - they hardly last.

Those that DO last are relationships based on TRUE friendship first. I say TRUE friendship because not many people patiently listen out to someone else's darkest problems yet pass no judgement. They know who you really are, although not completely crystal clear, but enough to accept and understand. A person feels a bondedness, a warmth, and a closeness with another emotionally but not intense passion or long-term commitment.

It's all about Communication, isn't it?

"Without expression,
even the greatest of loves can die"


Blogger Florence said...

Hah! I'm glad that i'm not the only one that thought of it this way. We share almost the same sentiments! And yes, I totally agree that communication is important.

Most love at first sight can't last because it's more of lust at first sight. And both parties got so engross with the physical intimacy and neglected to communicate with each other. I doubt they know each other deep enough. Thus when the flame dies off when both parties got so sick with the routine of making out, they would realised that there're nothing else to sparkle the r/s and in the end, byebye.

For whether now's the time to seek what true love is before committing ourselves to the special someone. I won't term it as seeking true love. I feel that it's more of enjoying the process and have a feel of being in love. In any case, what's true love? If it's meant to be, nature will take its course. Who knows what will happen 5 years down the road? Right? Haha.

Just my two cents worth of thoughts. (:

1:18 AM  
Blogger GY said...

LOL FLOR!!! you didn't have to comment on every post ahahha xD

Dunno lah, to me, seeking what true love is is more like enlightenment and experience; one has to have years of observation and experimentation, PLUS reading up to do (feeling Luke-ish now ahha) :D

10:14 AM  
Blogger natasha said...

oooooh girl talk! love it ;) Lol.

But agree wit you flo and mut. In the beginning you feel like 'this is it. he's the one'... but just like a good business, you gotta manage it to retain success... smth like tt. lol...

but i agree that seeking true love plays an awesome role in experience... coz eventually you'll learn from it.. i mean, hopefully you'll learn from it... lol.. love sure is one complicated thing.

10:50 AM  
Blogger natasha said...

mut.. i know i said this before... i love wistfool! mmmm... love piano thingizzles...

10:40 PM  
Blogger Florence said...



12:28 AM  
Blogger natasha said...

hi flor lor! lol.. i dunno wat rhymes wif flor... =D

8:12 AM  

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