Monday, July 03, 2006

So they think I'm weird.

I swear the only time we get to see most of our relatives are either weddings or funerals. Maybe Chinese New Year.

Sheesh the wedding was so prim and proper. It was pleasant nonetheless... too pleasant. You have your nice Catholic church wedding followed by Chaaaanese tea ceremony shit and dinner at Mandai Orchid Garden.

If you came here to find pics of me in a gown, you'll be disappointed to know that you can't find it here, at least not now. Heh heh.

"Oei oei bridesmaid not doing your job ehh?" - Aunties
Yes I was supposed to do shit like fluff the bride's skirt so it won't get in the way; I didn't. My reply? "I DID IT ON PURPOSE, MOFOS". Okay minus the mofo part.

Granny's always wary of me cuz I scare her too much.

She didn't want me to touch her tiara :'(

Ooo, boney cleavage.

Auntie and Uncle.
The only cousins I know out of... 15?
Random cousins of Tim, they're quite cute though :D

Sara and bro, being Noirish.

Maria's a camwhore.

Peahen not family member, but very cute.

Anyway, wedding aside, Mr V has very kindly offered me a place in CG Overdrive! Egg-citing indeed! A packed month awaits me!

Ah yes, was supposed to watch Bismuth but SOMEBODY came late so yeah, sorry ckris D: You still have our moral support u-fooooo!!!

Not far from there was this ..

..great place to chill, btw,

...right here at Clarke Quay.

Not forgetting to mention huge acrylic penis-like thingy.

Feels like playing Dragonshard!!
Oh my, no games now, mut.
Too many things to be completed.
Waaaay too many things.


Blogger leeyaawn said...

hey hey hey! that's amos tan hoe beng! one of the duo : tim's cousins. what a wonderfully puny world. (=

12:11 AM  

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