Back from KL
Not much to sight-see, just shopping! :D The only remotely interesting thing that happened was I went to Zouk KL with my PARENTS (lol daddy paid for cover charge AND drinks), and a ba pok kept flirting with my dad. lol. THEY WERE PLAYING TRANCE OMFG!!! The trance scene there is slightly better than Singapore :D
Yeah, also went to the F1 circuit at Sepang... Got a few shots :)
Niec engine!

Sister waving, passenger of my Uncle's Miata :D
His car WOOT.
Cute car eh?


Hah, i'm not a humongous fan of cars but the VROOOOM of the cars is as orgasmic as hearing deep bass from subwoofers.
Oh yes I got a shirt saying "I <3 GREEN EGGS & HAM"
Yah, I'll type more when I'm not so sleepy :D
Yeah, also went to the F1 circuit at Sepang... Got a few shots :)

Oh yes I got a shirt saying "I <3 GREEN EGGS & HAM"
Yah, I'll type more when I'm not so sleepy :D
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