Sunday, March 19, 2006

To my fellow pr0nSTAs

OI I got sample namecard!!! Think of a pr0nSTA name for yourselves. Concept is that take a half-nude picture of yourself (don't worry, shoulder and corner chin only) and viola!

Too much text? Spacing not right?
Any suggestions/criticisms greatly appreciated :D

Here's the logo for Garf's sake, you turd!
Simple eh? Inspired by Skye's "P*".


Blogger natasha said...

mut!!!!! i luv the name card!!! but i have a feeling other ppl will ask to make the card also... but really.. itsh niceee.. 3 thumbs up!

1:07 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

ooh provocative!
try adding a subliminal message there, like, some spots/moles forming the word "SEX" on the arm. Wahaha.

1:45 AM  

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