So how was Aussie?
Ah this is Apollo Bay.. my number 2 love.
Man I'd sacrifice the computer, internet and cable TV for living in by the countryside.

My lunatic sister trying to feed the beautiful native parakeet.
Off to 12 Apostles!

Otman Lighthouse!
Some random waterfall trail but nice!

Right we kinda spoilt it.

Bro-in-law resembles the -_- face on tree trunk.

Animals along the way!

The only koalas who would park themselves on trees next to the road are attention seekers. Seems like these koalas have acheived this. There were 3 other cars stopping to squeal at the koalas.
NOTICE: Ever cuddled a koala? Most probably they're sedated. Only Queensland allows sedated koalas cuz they believe tourism is more important than wildlife. In actual fact, koalas are not friendly at all. Try to cuddle them and they might scratch or bite. So, don't support sedated animals!!

Hey dude! Leave my camera alone!
Wallabies are so adorable.

Stupid sheep chewed so much his jaw got altered.
Look! Horse dongle! hahah it's really pissing.
My sis looks like a submissive Japanese wife.
Naw, it's just a candid.
Nicer pics at muthucurry.deviantart.
Click from April 15 files onwards.
Man I'd sacrifice the computer, internet and cable TV for living in by the countryside.

Off to 12 Apostles!

Otman Lighthouse!

Some random waterfall trail but nice!

Right we kinda spoilt it.

Bro-in-law resembles the -_- face on tree trunk.

Animals along the way!

NOTICE: Ever cuddled a koala? Most probably they're sedated. Only Queensland allows sedated koalas cuz they believe tourism is more important than wildlife. In actual fact, koalas are not friendly at all. Try to cuddle them and they might scratch or bite. So, don't support sedated animals!!

Hey dude! Leave my camera alone!

Wallabies are so adorable.

Stupid sheep chewed so much his jaw got altered.

Naw, it's just a candid.
Nicer pics at muthucurry.deviantart.
Click from April 15 files onwards.
Eh, you lucky bugger. Nice to see that you had fun there though.
I'm going to gang up with my sister to persuade my dad to bring us to some... European country in December (winter!!), instead of the usual Malay-ish countries. That sucks.
lol :D it's expensive lah... especially Europe. but ah winter shld be good.. esp if you get to see real snow :D
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