Markus Schulz - Sorrow Has No Home

Well well, the semester has come to an end D:
What can I say? It was a joy having you guys around, Nadim Team, Stinkerella Team, Hansel and Gretel Team, TooTooMoo Team, and Princess and the Pea Team!
The last 2 days, I've been progressively missing classes because I couldn't wake up, not forgot. For the love of learning, I apologise. But I couldn't wake up because of very valid reasons - I had to work on Reason for Thirst Studio.
My rest of the week's packed - I've EMP chalet later, Friday Reason classes, Saturday is Thirst Studio's submission date (booking a studio with them) as well as NorthEast CDC Mix's first lesson.
So I ended the semester musically. Will continue the holidays with much more gusto and enthusiasm, I hope!
LOL Jodi, has anyone ever told you that you look gorgeous when you're eating? :)
Anyway, Dhana and I and Krusty had Heiniken's MasterClass last night from 730pm to 1030pm. It was brilliant! Heheh, we felt really small, literally. Tall, charming Chinese men, Caucasian men, Caucasian woman. Roight. Superficialities aside, yes, I'm so glad that there are a bunch of people intent on spreading the love of local music production. Wait, let me rephrase that. Music production locally, not Chinese pop local music production. More like Dance Music production locally.
Now I respect these fellas a lot, the Thirst Studio bunch, because Cas-e, the spokesperson, was brutally honest with the local music scene here. He's right, we're too commercialised. Why are there hardly any local producers here? Simply because we don't appeal to the masses unless the singer is gorgeous, can dance, (not necessarily sing), and has overall star appeal. Then the goverment will happily package the local songbird and ship her overseas, paying for her air fare, hair fare etc.
Dance music producer? Local rock bands? PAH. They don't give a shit. So ship your works overseas if you can't do it here!
Damn Chinks.
Double Amen!:D
"Men may construe things after their fashion,
Clean from the purpose of the things themselves."
-William Shakespear
Busy is good. at least when you look back, you won't regret.
Keep those dreams burning!
Oh yes, update me about the host thingy ok? (:
shit you remind me to smack your boobs next time i see you
p.s. - i was Acting retarded okay.
Yea...the sad reality of the local music scene. Really pity those local bands though...
whats the world coming to...:(
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