Friday, January 20, 2006

Elitist school girls are fug.

Ick. I can't stand it.
It's yet another new year, and JC girls go for their 1st 3 months.
I was at Marche 2 days ago, and I saw a troop of Ex St nicks girls (used to be my school, yes I was from an "elite" school) troop in.
I noticed the change of wear.
It was utterly disgusting.

It's so interesting, the way how a school uniform can evolve.
The most annoying thing is that some of them changed only AFTER entering a JC.
Why? Got boys so can flirt ah.
It's either an ultra loose belt (which makes your body shape look more rectangular than curvy) or tight belt but bulged (to create the illusion of a shorter skirt).

You girls really think boys get turned on by girls who look like they're pregnant?
And what the use of a hairband if you hair is STILL falling all over your face?
This is Singapore, not Japan. Keep your pre-pubescent thighs to yourself - STOP altering your school skirts.
Uniform aside, another thing which bothers me about elitist school girls is CLUBBING.
It's disturbing to know that there is actually a FRIENDSTER group called "JC clubbers". The 1st time I saw it, I was like WTF.


It's equivelant to outrightly proclaiming that "WE ARE NOT ONLY SMART BUT HAPPENING, BEAT THAT."

I recall bumping into a couple of ex-classmates in Orchard. The VERY first question they asked me was "You go clubbing?". Yargh. Is clubbing in JC really a symbol of being rich and happening? Do people really put you up a notch in their reputation list if you're a JC clubber? I thoroughly dislike ACJC and CJC because of the clubbers there, who are mostly rich, pretentious fuckers.

To the same ex-classmates, I replied, "Sorry, most of the clubs here aren't to my musical taste. I listen to trance."

"OMG you listen to trance?! SO AH LIAN!"

In my heart I was like "better than being a spineless dance-to-top40s-fuck, like you."

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Gender differences.

We HAVE to accept that males and females ARE damn fucking different.
Don't give me that "we must be fair to all sexes" crap.
Yes, women ARE matching men in terms of career and certain roles.

BUT when it comes to relationships and many other factors, we are far from being similar. And it's fucking amazing we can still get along well.

Why do you think in Singapore's cabinet of ministers, there are NO WOMEN involved?
We all know that if the country was ruled by women, the country will be a much more peaceful place cuz men love to make war, and women are negotiators.

It all links back to our caveman days.
Women stay in their caves and taken on a caretaker role, likewise with men.
Men are hunters. Savage creatures made to hunt.
We have not evolved much in fact.

That's why men want war. Women want negotiation.

You can never hear a man say "sorry" because of their full-fledged ego.
Likewise, men feel uneasy if they have to lose to women.

In the bathroom in front of the mirror:
women bulge out their tummies and sigh about how fat they are, or how bulky their thighs are.

Men suck in tummies, admire their apparent fit-looking physique and be proud of the size of their manhood. Then scratch their balls.

When one's mind is full of thoughts and problems:
Women talk it out, very very long. very very long conversations. They describe every single detail and complain. complain. complain. Well it makes us feel better.

Men just wank. When men wank, they think of nothing else but ecstatic bliss.

When it comes to sex:
Women HAVE to make love. If there's no love involved, women simply can't enjoy sex even if her partner is damn good.

Men just fuck, anytime, anywhere, also happy :O

But trying to prevent men's horrible behaviour is as effective as preventing rain from the sky.
Sadness. Me wanna turn lesbian soon and stop producing babies and stop humanity altogether :O

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Duuuhhh... they missed out sonic arts D:

You scored as Sociology. You should be a Sociology major!





























What is your Perfect Major? (PLEASE RATE ME!!<3)
created with

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Post 2005 Part I

I went with momo and dodo to esplanade to watch teh fireworks.
Beautiful and captivating.
I felt like I was being sucked into this dark abyss,
which was slightly illuminated by those floating balls at Singapore River.

Couldn't get a good spot at all cuz where we roamed was either too crowded or at the risk of being trampled over by an angry stampede (our wonderful police set up barriers at some areas, of course with even later-comers "OEI-ing" behind)

This bunch of teenage boys decided to bully me cuz I looked like a harmless shu-nu, wearing mini and heels and all that. AH HA.

HAPPY NEW YeAR", one of them yelled, as he sprayed faux snow at me.
Too bad for him, I sprayed an overload of crazy ribbon at him, that fool ran, I GRABBED him and sprayed some more (Of course, you're not supposed to grab people as the rules of the game,
but I'm a girl, can get away with anything :D )

Heh his whole gang of 6 kena shocked, so all gang-raped me with faux snow.
At this point of time, all 7 were crowding around me, deciding to aim the snow at my face, as I was still taking delight in torturing the first sprayer.

dad lumbered in and sprayed at them.
5 were stunned and ran off, haha they didn't dare spray at him cuz he was my dad.
And my dad's kinda big in size.

2 were left still covering me in foams.
And then
mum came in, with more crazy ribbons.
ROFLMAO then the 2 eventually ran off screaming "
MERRY CHRISTMAS MERRY CHRISTMAS wah lao eh siao char bor"

Not xmas leh :O

Anyway belated Happy New Year all

:D :D :D :D